About the Scout Section
- The Scout Troop is the third section in our Scout Group, after the Beavers and Cubs and meet on a Wednesday from 7.15pm to 8.45pm.
- The Core Age for the Scout Section is 10 1/2 to 14 Years Old. Due to flexibility they can start at 10 Years Old and must leave before they are 14 1/2 Years Old
- Find out about what it will be like to being a member of a Scout Troop
- A Scout Troop is divided into small groups called patrols, each lead by a patrol leader, with a assistant patrol leader. Scouts are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities as part of their programme including traditional Scouting Skills, such as camping, Survival and cooking.
- Pictured below are some of the Activities that your child will experience whilst being a member of the Scout Troop.
The Scout Program / What we do
- Participation rather than meeting set standards is the key approach, and there are a number of Badges and Awards that scouts can gain to recognise their Achievements.
- Activity, Staged and Challenge Badges can be achieved as a whole Section working towards them on a Wednesday, or as an individual in their own time. Further information about badges and awards for the Scout section can be found here
Where to get the Scout Uniform
- The Scouts Uniform is available from Melton Sports, King Street on the Pedestrianised Footpath located near the Cinema.
Badges given out at your child’s investiture
- Top, Is our Group Name Tape, Left is the District Badge, Right is the County / Area / Region Badge and Bottom Left is the Membership Award
- Bottom Right is the (Red) Moving On Award if your child has moved from Cubs to Scouts
- If your child has joined as a new member and not from Cubs we charge an additional £10 Joining Fee before your child’s investiture. Please ask your Section Leader on Information about your child’s Investiture.
Scouts Numbers
- This maximum number of Scouts is decided by the Adults running the Section
- Whilst meeting at Holwell Pastures Scout Campsite the minimum is 2 Adults. When meeting away from Holwell Pastures Scout Campsite the Scouts ratio is 1 Adult to 12 Scouts
- This is a minimum requirement, but the adults might decide to increase the amount of Adults required.
- Please Visit the Young Leaders / Explorers Page to find out more