36th Melton Mowbray Scout Group

36th Melton Mowbray Scout Group



About the Scout Section

  • The Scout Troop is the third section in our Scout Group, after the Beavers and Cubs and meet on a Wednesday from 7.15pm to 8.45pm.
  • The Core Age for the Scout Section is 10 1/2 to 14 Years Old. Due to flexibility they can start at 10 Years Old and must leave before they are 14 1/2 Years Old
  • Find out about what it will be like to being a member of a Scout Troop
  • A Scout Troop is divided into small groups called patrols, each lead by a patrol leader, with a assistant patrol leader. Scouts are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities as part of their programme including traditional Scouting Skills, such as camping, Survival and cooking.
  • Pictured below are some of the Activities that your child will experience whilst being a member of the Scout Troop.

The Scout Program / What we do

  • Participation rather than meeting set standards is the key approach, and there are a number of Badges and Awards that scouts can gain to recognise their Achievements.
  • Activity, Staged and Challenge Badges can be achieved as a whole Section working towards them on a Wednesday, or as an individual in their own time. Further information about badges and awards for the Scout section can be found here
All the Scout Badges

All the Scout Badges

Scout Badge Links

Scout Badge Links

Melton Sports

Melton Sports

Where to get the Scout Uniform

  • The Scouts Uniform is available from Melton Sports, King Street on the Pedestrianised Footpath located near the Cinema. www.meltonsports.co.uk
Investiture Badges

Investiture Badges

Badges given out at your child’s investiture 

  • Top, Is our Group Name Tape, Left is the District Badge, Right is the County / Area / Region Badge and Bottom Left is the Membership Award
  • Bottom Right is the (Red) Moving On Award if your child has moved from Cubs to Scouts
  • If your child has joined as a new member and not from Cubs we charge an additional £10 Joining Fee before your child’s investiture. Please ask your Section Leader on Information about your child’s Investiture.
Where to put Badges on the Scout Uniform

Where to put Badges on the Scout Uniform

Scouts Numbers

  • This maximum number of Scouts is decided by the Adults running the Section
  • Whilst meeting at Holwell Pastures Scout Campsite the minimum is 2 Adults. When meeting away from Holwell Pastures Scout Campsite the Scouts ratio is 1 Adult to 12 Scouts
  • This is a minimum requirement, but the adults might decide to increase the amount of Adults required.


  • Please Visit the Young Leaders / Explorers Page to find out more
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