About the Cub Section
- The Cub Pack is the second section in our Scout Group following on from Beavers and meet on a Thursday from 7pm to 8.30pm.
- The Core Age for the Cub Section is 8 to 10 1/2 Years Old. Due to Flexibility they can start after 7 1/2 Years Old and must leave before they are 11 Years Old
- Find out about what it will be like to be a member of a Cub Pack
Cub Pack Website
- Please visit our Cub Pack new Website designed for letting people know what we do and Information for Parents of Current Members
Joining Cubs
- As a Cub Pack for young people joining comes from Beavers and New Starters. A larger percentage of new members come for New Starter Enquiries.
- Priority for Joining will always be given to members of the Beaver Colony.
- For any other Enquiries, any current Scouting members moving from another Area outside of Melton Mowbray followed by any new enquiries.
Cubs Numbers
- The Recomended Maximum Number for our Cub Pack is 32.
- Our Cub Pack Normally has anywhere between 25 to 32 Members.
- A Cub Pack is usually organised into small groups called Sixes, (Blue, Red, White + Yellow) each headed up by an older Cub called a Sixer, and a Seconder. Sixes can be used in a number of ways to facilitate the organisation of the Cub Pack During their time in the Pack.
- Whilst meeting at Holwell Pastures Scout Campsite is a minimum of 2 Adults. (The Cub Section prefers no less than 3 Adults). When meeting away from Holwell Pastures Scout Campsite the Cubs ratio is 1 Adult in Charge then 1 Adult to 8 Cubs
- This is a minimum requirement, but the adults might decide to increase the amount of Adults required.
The Cub Program / What we do
- Activities can range from Nights Away, Day + Evening Visits, Fire Lighting, Challenges, in the Community plus much more
- Participation and Personal Development, rather than meeting set standards, is the key approach and there are a range of badges and challenge awards that the Cubs can gain to recognise their achievements.
- Activity, Staged and Challenge Badges can be achieved as a whole Section working towards them on a Thursday, or as an individual in their own time. Further information about badges and awards for the Cub section is shown below and all Badge requirements can be found here
Where to get the Cub Uniform
- The Cubs Uniform is available from Melton Sports, King Street on the Pedestrianised Footpath located near the Cinema.
Badges presented at your Child’s Investiture
- Top, Is our Group Name Tape, Left is the District Badge, Right is the County / Area / Region Badge and Bottom Left is the Membership Award
- Bottom Right is the (Yellow) Moving On Award if your child has moved from Beavers to Cubs
- When a Cub is 10 Years Old they move on to the Scout Section. At times to meet a Cubs needs for when they move on to Scout Section there is a Six Month Flexibility either side of the Core Leaving age of 10 1/2 Years Old. The Scouts Section meet on a Wednesday 7.15pm to 8.45pm
- The Flexibility is normally due to Friends, Sharing of Lifts and Transferring with a Group of Beavers as opposed to individual.