Section Weekly Sessions
- Please ensure you wait for Confirmation from the Sections Adult Lead Volunteer for when and where the Beavers, Cubs or Scouts are meeting each week.
- This could be by an Email, Mobile Text, What’s App Group or a Closed Facebook Page.
- The Dates below are based on Leicestershire Schools Term
Safeguarding, Safety + Safe Scouting
- Young people thrive in safe surroundings. We’re committed to ensuring that Scouting is both enjoyable and safe for everyone who takes part, along with providing parents with peace of mind. Please read the Scout Association’s Safeguarding + Safety Policies on how we safeguard the welfare of all members. All volunteers who help to run our activities give their time freely to help young people enjoy Scouting.
- We also have Safe Scouting Cards for all Adults Volunteers to follow
Running Costs
- Our Scout Group is a Registered Charity which needs income to support the running costs of the Scout Group. Below briefly outlines what these are. Scouting itself is very good value for money.
- Income: The main Sources of Income within our Scout Group come for Term Fees, Gift Aid and the Scout Christmas Post Fundraiser.
- How much do Membership Term Fee’s cost - Membership Term Fees is a Fee which can be £10 Monthly Instalments, x2 £20 Half Termly or one £40 Full Payment to whichever suits yourself. It works out an average of just over £3.50 per Night based on a child missing 5 Nights thoughtout the Year which is great value for money
- Outgoings: The big cost is the Yearly National, Regional, County, District Membership Fee per Child.. Our other main cost is the weekly hire of our meeting place, plus other costs that include general running of our Scout Group and to support the effective running of our three Sections.